Mission 5000

Created by Amy 18th October 2020 This event has closed


A mile covered for every person affected by MND in the UK today, I will be running as many miles as I can over a period of 5 weeks. I am very aware that i ask my family & friends for charity contributions very regularly! So please only donate if you can afford too. Charities have been so badly hit since covid landed in our lives... so everyone affected by MND needs our support more than ever, thank you xxxx


Sore legs!

22nd September 2020
Sore legs but cracking on, the miles won’t increase by themselves!!


15th September 2020
A good run this morning, just short of a 4 miler today! 🤙🤙


15th September 2020
from Rich & Hels direct to MND


8th September 2020
£10 donated by lovely Tracey Petty, directly to MND in memory of my mum 🦋